Dose calculator

For veterinarians administering


How to calculate the correct dose of STELFONTA® using the Dose Calculator

  • Accurately measure the tumor (in cm) using a caliper. Make sure you get accurate measurements for length, width and height.
  • Enter your measurements into the Tumor Volume Calculator to determine the volume of the tumor.
  • Calculate the correct dose of STELFONTA once you have the volume of the tumor in cm3, using the Dose Calculator.
  • Draw the required volume into a sterile, Luer-lock syringe with a 23 gauge needle.
  • Inject STELFONTA by inserting the needle into the tumor mass through a single injection site, to minimize leakage, moving the needle in and out in a fanning manner to help ensure the treatment reaches all aspects of the tumor.

Modified ellipsoid with calculation

Tumor Volume Calculator

Tumor Volume =


Dose Calculator


Dosage =



Max. 0.25 mL/kg body weight given in a 5 mL dose; min. 0.1 mL regardless of tumor volume or body weight.

injection top view
injection side view

EXPERT TIP from Dr. Justine Campbell

“Measure and measure again – an accurate tumor measurement on the day of treatment (even if measured previously) is key to determining the correct dose of STELFONTA.

Use a Leur-lock syringe to avoid leakage and potential bounce-back.

Administering STELFONTA
Play Video about STELFONTA Mode Of Action video thumbnail
Assessing Complete Response