Pictures of mast cell tumors on dogs.

Dog owners share pictures of mast cell tumors after STELFONTA®. #IBeatMCT


Read dog owner testimonials and reviews of STELFONTA®.

Click on our four legged heroes below to see pictures of their mast cell tumor journey.

Warning: Some slide shows contain graphic images of the destroyed tumor sloughing away.

Oscar - cameo
Oscar - 2nd opinion saved his nose
Sammi - Saved her ear
Dog treated with Stelfona for cancer on lip
Bob - Cancer removed from lip
Brooklyn - Ear cancer free by day 28
Mast cell tumor on muzzle
Max - Tumor disappeared without a wound
Mariah - Multiple tumors treated over time
Oreo beat mast cell tumor with Stelfonta
Oreo - Kept his shiny black nose
Mast Cell tumor treated dogs tail
Autumn - Kept her wagging tail
Kairi - Pea size MCT on back of thigh
Shadow - cameo
Shadow - Tumor near vulva removed
Zuma - MCT on chest
French bulldog - mast cell tumor treated with Stelfonta
Percy - Prepuce healed
Drake - Boxer x Hound. Treated with Stelfonta.
Drake - Large MCT on the tail
Dog - Prepuce - Mast cell tumor
Brutus - Prepuce saved
Stelfonta testimonial - 8-year-old female Dingo cross
Lou - Treated multiple MCTs over time
Dog treated with STELFONTA
Sedona - 2.5cm³ tumor adjacent to anus
Ivy - Rapidly growing tumor quickly shrunk
Boston - The tumor went goopy, then fell away
Golden retriever MCT treated with Stelfonta
Spinner - Surgical margins would have been challenging
Dog with MCT, treated with Stelfonta
Milo - A history of MCT
Lucy - Boston Terrior
Lucy - A text book tumor removal
Mast cell tumor on dogs leg
Arlo - Large wound; paw saved
Boxer mast cell tumor removed
Bella - Subcutaneous tumor under skin
Obi - Avoided surgery due to a heart condition
Lucy - Back to her usual curious self
Ella - dog with mast cell tumor - treated with Stelfonta
Ella - Impressed with rapid healing
Lucy - 12-yr-old American Eskimo
Stelfonta testimonial - 5-year-old female Boxer
Ruby - Treated two tumors, months apart
Charlie - No wound, but still kicked the cancer
STELFONTA testimonial - 8-year-old male Bull Terrier
Nase - Within a month, more energy than before
Dog treated with Stelfonta injection
Narla - Large wound; healed without intervention
Cameo - Boxer Staffy Cross Mast Cell Tumor on leg
Blue - fifth mast cell tumor
Lyla - Large wound for a seemingly small tumor
Isabela and Sue
Isabela - Large wound days 4-7, healed fully
Shirley - Quickly bounced back to her normal self
Non surgical treatment saved leg
Daisy - Avoided an amputation
Dog with Mast Cell Tumor treatment on Paw
Lilly - Granulation tissue on paw
Hampton - cameo
Hampton - A large wound
Mia - cameo
Mia - Oblivious to the process
Lilly - cameo
Lilly - Tumor free at the 28-day check
Penny - cameo
Penny - Removed cancer between her tendons
Gracie Mae - Labrador
Saved Gracie-Mae's Leg
Americal cocker spaniel stelfonta treatment
Treasure - running around 48 hours after
Dog treated with Stelfonta
Wolf - Foot healed quickly
Lizzie - Three tumors treated over time
Waffles, a STELFONTA hero
Waffles - Longer than average to heal
Dog with mast cell tumor on paw - treated with Stelfonta
Shadow - MCT between toes
Dog treated with Stelfona for cancer on lip
Bob - Cancer removed from lip
Gracie Mae - Labrador
Saved Gracie-Mae's Leg
Barney - Needed two injections
Tayta - her leg needed a second injection

Please consider helping other dog owners facing a mast cell tumor diagnosis for their dog by sharing your photos with our community of pet owners. We will create a slide show for you. Simply email up to ten photos to  Be sure to include a photo of the tumor before the STELFONTA treatment, and on or after day 28, and we will create a slide show for others to see the tumor destruction and healing.

Check out Clinical photos, taken by veterinarians documenting their patients’ STELFONTA Journey.

Non-surgical removal of Mast Cell Tumor

10 year old Chihuahua with mast cell tumor on leg

Arch Duke
10.5 years, Chihuahua

Non-surgical removal of Mast Cell Tumor

Arch Duke had an MCT on his lower leg treated with STELFONTA. Mindy, his owner, explained Arch Duke was “not a perky little boy for the first few days, and was reluctant to put weight on his foot”. But he completely bounced back to normal and “was back to 3.5lbs of pure sass within ten days”. Mindy reports “the wound fully healed and he’s now cancer free”. Great to hear!